Sunday, March 20, 2011


Hello and thank  you for reading if you can see from my dates, I've been MIA for about almost a month and really lagged on my last couple of looks. And for that I apologize. Let me explain what's been going on...

The move was HORRENDOUS!!! The place that we thought we were going to get...well it turns out that it was going to take much longer than what the managers originally thought. Plus the old apartment place wasn't being too understanding or nice, so I thought I was going to be homeless for awhile. Thankfully, the new apartment place had another apartment vacant, albeit, smaller that we could move into while we waited. Well, the thought of moving twice just about keeled me over. I had no idea how we would orchestrate that and where in the world I would find time to move we decided to just stay put in the smaller apartment. It is cheaper and I kind of like it better anyway. So now we're into about two weeks into March and just when I thought things were about to slow down, I get a several phone calls (very early in the morning too) and text messages about there being a tsunami warning. Well, I'm sure you've all heard about the earthquake in Japan and the tsunami's that followed after.

Well, I live in Marina, CA (which is about 5-10 minutes north of Monterey) and literally, all that separates my apartment and the beach is a medium mountain and a couple of houses. It takes me about a 2 minute drive probably or 10 minute walk to get to the beach from where I live, so of course, I had all sorts of family and friends from out of state and city calling my husband and I. Just in case there was a real danger, we decided not to unpack (in case it all went to waste anyway or in case we'd have to pick up and move again). So, after the scare of the tsunami, we started unpacking lightly and finished yesterday! Yay! Right??? Well....things always happen for a reason...

My hubby noticed his office chair was wet and when he looked up, there was water dripping from the ceiling. He just about had a heart attack. It was BARELY missing his prized computer (he's an IT Geek). Of course, this was about 11PM so I had to call the emergency maintenance line and put a bucket there to catch all the water while my hubby quickly took apart his computer in fear of the slooooowwwww drip maybe hitting his prized possession. Anyway, maintenance guy said that he'd be in in the morning to check it out as long as it wasn't a waterfall gushing down. So that brings us to today....he came and said that he had to let the water drain out and yada yada yada before he could fix it. To be honest, I wasn't really listening. I was still super sleepy but my hubby was there to take in everything. All I know now is that it will be fixed tomorrow morning. So today, I decided to unpack my makeup goodies that have been stored away for about two months now and was going to do a makeup look....but decided to rest my eyes first since I woke up super early...and of course the few moments of rest turned out into 4 hours. So sorry...but there will be more activity from me again. Promise. :D

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